
Entry (1/2)1  ando
Part of speech  2  noun
3  Active verbs :
4  Passive verbs :
5  Relative verbs :
6  Names :
7  Adjectives :
Explanations in Malagasy  8  Fitambaran' ny pitidrano kely hita eny an-tendron' ny ahitra amin' ny maraina sy ny hariva, vokatry ny fivonganan' ny etona ho tonga rano. [1.1]
Explanations in English  9  the dew. [Ar. an-naad, or Mal. ambun (?), dew.] [1.2]
10  dew [1.7]
Explanations in French  11  rosée [1.3, 1.8, 1.13]
12  l'humidité [1.3]
Examples  13  Savasava ranon' ando ihany anefa ity. [2.298#7]
14  Varobarotra madinika no nataony : namaky ando maraina, namonjy tsena; [2.285#170]
15  Nandritra ny telo taona nipaka dia tsy nisy ando na ranonorana, na dia kely aza; [1.38]
Compound words 
Proverbs  18  Proverbs containing the word ando
Article  19  Randzavola: ando ao amin' ny Baiboly

Entry (2/2)20  Ando
Elementary words  21  ando
Part of speech  22  name (book title)
Author  23  Andriamanantena Georges
Publishings  24  , 1977
Text  25 

Anagrams  26  Ando, ando, dona, ndao, onda, Ando, ando, dona, ndao, onda

Updated on 2023/07/31